Artist in Residence - WormFarm Institute, Summer 2021

From mid May to late July Brittany Kugler returned to southern Wisconsin as an artist in residence at the WormFarm Institute. She learned about WormFarm via their Fermentation Fest while working at the nearby theatre, American Players Theatre, many summers ago. 

She taught herself how to draft paper clothing patterns from Patternmaking for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph Armstrong. Understanding how patterns are made from scratch helps her to design more specific costumes for theatre, alter existing patterns with more expertise, and gave her another skill to share with her high school and college students. She is also interacted with the farm by using food scraps and materials from the farm's landscape to dye fabrics naturally.

While there Kugler drafted and stitched six garments and hosted an end of residency exhibition of her work.

Subscribe to her Patreon to follow her time at the WormFarm. Throughout the residency she will post about her progress and process and details from the farm like her workspace, the artist designed outhouse, and adorable farm animals.